
About Us

The cast and crew is comprised of a youthful collective of talented writers, actors, poets, dancers, singers and educators.

To date, the group's greatest accomplishment was its inclusion and subsequent successful run in the 2012 Toronto Fringe Festival (the city's largest festival for theatre and drama), performing their original play entitled "Do You Remember Me". The play was given extremely favourable reviews in noted media publications such as The Torontoist, and by many who attended on a variety of social media outlets. The play continues to be performed receiving enthusiastic responses from audiences in the Greater Toronto Area.

Additionally, G.I.A. has facilitated innovative symposiums comprised of a fusion of dramatic pieces followed by audience and panel discussions for the Toronto Public Library's annual Black History Month celebration. G.I.A.’s gifted cast includes Nigel Hunter (co-developer and co-writer of Vision TV mini-series "Soul"), and dancer/choreographer Tricia Cater-McKenzie (Dramatic-musical "Deep River", Toronto Centre for the Arts). The writer of G.I.A’s material, Greg Birkett, is a published author (Black History: Africa, The Caribbean, and the Americas, TheGreat Black North: Contemporary African-Canadian Poetry), poet, Senior Writer for CBC Kids online, and teacher with the Toronto District School Board.

The group continues to provide highly educational, motivational, spiritual, and entertaining workshops and dramatic presentations on intriguing topics such as shadeism (skin tone/complexion bias), the use of the N-word, the state of the Black family, the unique complexities of the Black female experience, and other pressing issues in communities of African heritage. G.I.A. believes that their message of celebrating Christianity and Black History is important and relevant throughout the year.